Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Absolute Horror!

listening to: ultraviolet - the stiff dylans.
reading: conversation with gads.
watching: flight of the conchords season 1 episode 3; mugged.
eating: air.
drinking: air.

blake's got a new face, and so have i.
i've decided even though it isn't new years, it's very close to me being SEVENTEEN.
and i got things i've got to do as an angsty teenager with absolutely no direction.

1. eat a blueberry bagel with cream cheese.
2. get nose pierced.
3. snort salt, and film it.
4. reach 55 kg.
5. buy 8-hole red dr martens.
6. get another boyfriend, who fits the criteria.
7. get where it's at with josh.
8. clean entire room and desk, so it's all in order.
9. keep first place in music this year.
10. tell every person that's important to me something i love about them.
11. become involved in a social justice group.
12. be regular with the gym.
13. get my diabetes totally under control.
14. go to germany at the end of the year.
15. buy an angus & julia stone album.
16. forget about my ex boyfriend entirely.
17. start hip hop dancing.

all acheivable goals. i'll tick them off as i go along.
anyways, i've decided to start making my own compositions with acid. this awesome program for chiptune that dad installed for me. look out henry homesweet!
i'm basically prepped for the rest of this year, social anxiety has not yet gotten the complete better of me. everything will be better from here on out. :)

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