Friday, September 10, 2010

Nicht Weinen.

listening to: mahler; symphony #3 in d minor; 5. lustig im tempo und keck im ausdruck.
reading: nothing currently. someone recommend a good book!
watching: some weird sbs film with lots of naked people (nothing out of the ordinary).
eating: spaghetti.
drinking: apple and raspberry organic fizz.

it's funny how some oatmilk paired with some serious german opera can make you the happiest person on earth. i have a distinct memory of being four years old, singing along and jumping on tables, swinging the door open at the climatic part and yelling out in "vibrato" style at my neighbours, who sat there laughing (i can't imagine why, i obviously rocked their socks).

i honestly miss the days where riding your bike home in the hail was fun (it sucked this time, my shirt went see-through, my hair got ruined and my stockings clung all soggily two my legs like overdone pasta. grosss), i miss the days when it wasn't absolutely impossible to get your way in the house, and you could listen to really loud opera and dance around the room without getting embarrassed (if you've never done this, or nobody has ever caught you, believe me, it's embarrassing), i just miss being a kid, where absolutely nothing mattered.

everything has been a little delayed and lethargic during exam time (still going), and i haven't had a spare minute to scratch myself. i am so never doing two languages again at the same time. "io avevo" should go and stick itself where the sun don't shine. another thing i've noticed is parents get lazier the older they get, i mean, guys you're only fifty, it's not like you've lost your mobility (yet) and i think it's fair that if i cook all your meals (and clean up half the mess anyway) you should clean up the other half. and how is it that even when teenagers know their rooms need to be cleaned, they still never do it? my mum's even bribed me with kizzash, and i'm still like "nah."

so i started writing some new literature yesterday, strangely after a long period of time where i didn't (was probably too busy), and it seems it has taken on a different feel, a feel of happiness and sort of empty thoughts. it's very obscure and not quite how i remember my other stuff, but i think i'll get used to it...

i hope everyone did okay on their language speaking exams. :)

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