Thursday, August 26, 2010

Broken Legs.

listening to: basic space - XX.
reading: my desperate love diary pt 2 - liz rettig.
watching: that 70s show (eric forman have my babies)
eating: dried apricot and walnuts.
drinking: water.

love is so fickle, it starts with a flood,
and ends with a trick-trick-trick-trickle.

i honestly fleetingly recognised how amazing it is having people that still appreciate the importance of coming up with a sincerely good quality code when you can't be stuffed listening to patulny rant on about "exploring the definition of murder" and "what self-love really is". thank you smaz for making this morning's english lesson one of the best this year so far. i honestly couldn't have been more amused. i've decided we should turn it into a font on our computer, simply because we can (in the way that iago "simply could" destroy jon othello).

turtle moment of the day: no sir, i don't think it's appropriate that after five months of failing to acknowledge my existence, feeling that it's okay to neck pinch me and chat to me. even if you did believe me to be your pretty lady friend.

an interesting fact for everyone: did you know that super low calorie nutrient water tastes like what would happen if you mixed armpit sweat with strawberry panadol? my tongue basically fell out of my mouth and bailed hard on me (but unlike that beer ad, it didn't bring back a tasty cold hahn for me. devvo.)

this voting buisness was so much more intense than it needed to be. i'm not going to lie, student leadership is so stupid. however, when those pretty year 10 girls came up to me and directly told me they had voted for me, i suppose all those surpressed years of unpopularity came to fruition, and i suddenly felt very happy and included. i would actually l-a-u-g-h if i got it.

what an excellent leader i would make. topping my year for tardiness to school. baha.


  1. I'm curious as to what your campaign pitch was...i'm guessing something along the lines of Pedro's "if you vote for me, all your wildest dreams will come true" or maybe a funky dance performed to the fresh beats of Jamiroquai?

  2. I'm glad my code is appreciated
    also, I hate to dissapoint or anything, but the leadership battle was one of popularity (actually, we all expected this). The results were announced period 9.

  3. it was neither. my campaign was nothing.
    i just existed.

    and sam, omg! who got it? who got it?!
