Saturday, August 21, 2010

Poignant, But Deluded.

listening to: amazing - blue october.
reading: my desperate love diary - liz rettig.
watching: the channel that dictates whether or not to mass suicide if TA becomes PM.
eating: air.
drinking: pepsi max.

i scratch at your waistline, your doll hair.
i dig up the thought of how your eyes glow.

i've come to the realisation (yes, today's epiphany) that it takes two of each kind.

noah and his fammers had the right idea. see, in a relationship (friend or more) i honestly believe that the "opposites attract" rule applies heavily to at least 80% of relationships.

there has to be a talker and a listener.

but tonight driving back in the car with dad, we explored this theory in greater depth, and actually discussed the misconceptions that people hold of those particular stereotypes.

a talker doesn't necessarily mean all they do is mindlessly ramble on. albeit that's what i do 90% of the time (yeah, i'm a talker. shock. horror.) there are other times when i say valid, constructive things and make fairly structured and sensical points.

a listener doesn't necessarily always listen, they do infact speak, however they ponder their thoughts more rather than spewing out word vomit, and tend to drive the conversation with ease, with perhaps one question that leaves everybody discussing.

it's difficult to find people like that, i would say. hard to find people that you easily click with.

but i've found a good group of kids. and i appreciate the fact that i can speak to people on the same intellectual level as me, and actually properly engage. cheers guys.

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