Monday, August 16, 2010

Compliment Each Other Like Colours.

listening to: at this particular moment in time - playradioplay!
reading: a clockwork orange - anthony burgess.
watching: nothing.
eating: subway cookies.
drinking: blueberry tea.

what do you do? (when your life's a disaster) i take it slow because i have time.
what do you say? (when you know something's right) back to the days when you were mine.

i won't be 'aving none of this appy polly logies. i'm doing quite alrighty right right on me oddy knocky. and to be swank, i couldn't glove you more than me german rooty toots and everyfin else that came along forthwith to the sociables. yes sir, no more dare i say than the casio-tone black and whites, no more than the sweets to the sweet sense of givin' a malenky bit of a t-o-l-c-h-o-k-i-n-g with the bolshy big boots, no more sir, than the horrorshow feeling of belching out the stinking tunes of me forefathers, and dare i say i shall never glove you in the way i glove this uvver 'ere malchickywick.

(enough nadsat for today, i should imagine)

now for the real part. i guess this is basically about many topics.

like how great chilled blueberry tea is after a mighty long bikeride, or perhaps how fantastic it is when somebody says you remind them of the "graveyard girl" in an m83 song, or a vampire in a very non-twilight show. or perhaps even how great it is to go walkies in the dark of night, hand in hand with an old friend, respecting those that are passed, being careful not to step on the gravestones. or maybe it's about how through absolute devastation, one can rise up to a feeling of utmost happiness.

i'm sitting here, thinking about all the silly things i did when i was 15. how i went from the most innocent of beings to what can only be described as...well, not sheltered, i guess. sure, i've made some mistakes, but i'm only human (and i'm man enough to face 'em today - eminem. wot.)

but you know, like jon said, i'm happy i've got a great group of friends that don't feel the need to destroy their lives in order to live to the best of their ability.

i love the fact that ru knits.

i love the fact that chelyne knows almost every song from the 80s off by heart.

i love the fact that arielle still plays pokemon, and knows all the themes.

i love the fact that lasry and lambie still have nerf gun wars. (NERRRFFFF)

i love the fact that passas speaks japanese, even though he's greek.

i love the fact that jordan won't eat unsulfured apricots.

i love the fact that sam hardly ever speaks, yet he still gets all my jokes.

and last but not least, i love the fact that even though i've been one of the most emotionally charged, angsty, frightened, clingy friend pretty much ever to walk the planet, my dear marebear stuck with me the whole time.

i'm sticking with you. because i'm made out of glue.

anything that you might do. i'm going to do too.

so there are different kinds of love, i've come to realise.

there's the sort of love where you enjoy the basic company of someone, and you can't imagine lunchtimes without them, because they always make you laugh.

there's the sort where you have a friend who you can tell a lot of things, and you know that they'll be there when they can, and your secrets are safe.

there's the kind of love where despite everyone telling you someone is a bad person, you put it all aside and love them through thick and thin, and you form your own opinion.

there's that love where you absolutely adore someone, and you can't imagine the rest of your life without them, they complete you, and if they ever left, you'd be empty, like a hollow shell.

and then there's the best kind. the kind of person that will love you forever, and despite some arguments, will never let you down. they are always there, doing everything with you, never abandoning you at the drop of the hat. the kind of person i'm talking about, is the type of person that cherishes every moment with you, comes away from you smiling, the kind of person where your heart jumps into your throat and you want to glomp them aggressively every time you see them. they are your soul.

this my friends, is the biffle.

it's a rare phenomenon amongst teenagers, and to find a completely trustworthy and beautiful one is very difficult to come by. and i thank old bog every day that i have someone as special as her. :)


  1. hey 'graveyard girl' :) lovely blog as usual...i'm glad to hear your learning all about love, as you might have noticed, its one of my passions too. together we can explore its innermost depths and compare our understanding of its meanings. That way we'll both know when that 'knight/princess in shining bronco's jacket/duffle coat' comes along...whether they truely are the one!

  2. i agree. it's really funny how in the english language, someone can use one particular word over such a broad span of definitions.

    i have no idea how we'll ever be able to gauge if that person's the one, so i suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

    chances are we'll only know what hit us after it's already happened. :)

  3. your right,
    its pretty unlikely you'll know, unless you can see it to the future
    there are too many things that have to click into might depend on whether you think it was predestined or not but when you start talking about that you can be denying yourself of opportunities and letting outside circumstances control your future.
    Goes to show how poor the English langauge is at expressing one's emotions and feelings...for that reason words lose their meaning and become generic phrases to be thrown around at whim..

  4. story of "ily"s life.

    but yeah, i know what you mean kinda. it's difficult to be certain about how you feel about someone. with my personal experiences, you sort of don't realise anything's happening until you're in up to your neck...and it's still rising. and it's not always a good thing.

    but i guess, given the right person. the knight in the broncos jacket, it could be alright.

  5. ru, ru is the coolest do.
    she ain't like moe,
    who ain't like bo,
    but she got the flow,
    ain't that true,
    true like my baby girl ru.

    mad rapz.
