Friday, August 13, 2010

Sugarfoot Dancing.

listening to: schism - tool.
reading: my old journal.
watching: fosters home for imaginary friends on cartoon network.
eating: air.
drinking: water.

so much for a viscereal experience. the only thing i experienced was stale cereal when i got home. there's something dangerous about growing up, i feel sort of similar to T.S. Eliot, he's getting all caught up in the conundrum that is time, and i'm sitting here having a whinge about the same thing. now i finally understand how he feels. getting older SUCKS.

right about now, i'd be sitting here with my close friends, on my dull and lifeless grey carpet, eating baked goods and practicing to be handy-crafty for when i became an old nana, knitting bedsocks for my grandkids (and i still miss my oma's socks & gingerbread), but i guess the saying goes "i'll do it tomorrow", when i don't feel like my stomach is in my toes.

today is going to be a day of change. i'm throwing out all my old clothes, and tomorrow, i'm going shopping for an entirely new wardrobe. say hello to dark greens, deep reds, chocolate browns, blacks, white, greys and my brand new terracotta boat shoes. i finally feel like i'm getting somewhere with my personal style, and all i have to do now is lose a decent amount of weight so i'll look excellent in it all.

but i still pose the question: what the hell is yaleto?

(am i right, easyway-ers?)


  1. I aint know what that is, and tbh, i aint know anyone that has ever tried it.
    and damn i wish i could get an entirely new wardrobe, and make it all yellow, grey, white and black
    with lots of bows

  2. apparently it's some kind of yoghurt, according to my friend, who got one just to taste it.
    and your wardrobe would look amazing!
    if you ever go shopping for it, take me with you. <3
