Sunday, August 1, 2010

Morning Glory.

listening to: we own the sky - M83.
reading: the wonderful message mary wrote me in my book.
watching: happy tree friends season 2 episode 4; meat me for lunch.
eating: air.
drinking: water.

i honestly love you more deeply than i can describe, or maybe my small vocabulary doesn't permit sappy emotional feel-gooders. in any case, you are basically the reason i breathe.
don't think i don't need you in my life, because the truth is:

i really, REALLY do.

today my heart lept out of my face when i saw your soft, pixie-like hair blowing in the b-r-e-e-z-e.
you smiled in that amazing way, that no other human can replicate, and i nearly melted with happiness. i just wanted to kiss you, and thank you tenderly for everything you have done.
because, to be fair, you've done so much more than anyone else i know. and you continue to do things for me everyday. things that i didn't think friends COULD do for one another.

but somehow, you find a way.

soft, mellow synth plays on surround, and my head hurts from the brightness of the stop sign on my wall. it has good intentions, but does it really need to burn into my skull? maybe i should just get lakita to crack it. my thought cards are helping, and i'm sure this beautiful book will too. i love your made-up swears, i love your dark eyes, your vibrant laugh, your beautiful greek nose.
you are so goddamn greek. but it's okay, you'll make an excellent yaya.

i wish you were here with me all the time. but unfortunately, that would make me the clingiest clinger to cling, and that would be simply awkies. but when i do see you, i treasure every moment.

because unlike me, you have a life.
and dreams.
and extra curricular activities.

like i said, i know you love him, but please, somewhere, leave some space in that heart of yours for me. because nobody has ever loved me like you do.

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