Thursday, August 19, 2010

Heart And Soul.

listening to: still thrives this love - k.d. lang.
reading: my desperate love diary - liz rettig.
watching: love, actually.
eating: blueberry yoghurt.
drinking: valencia orange nutrientwater.

there seems to be a bit of a theme going on here.

i don't understand how k.d. lang's beautiful voice can sway my mood and my hips simultaneously.
her voice is absolutely astounding, and if nobody has had the pleasure of listening to her, i highly recommend it. just make sure you have your lover next to you, hawhaw.

her lyrics are naught but genius, and her amazing tone control...i can't comprehend someone to be that talented. she's the perfect mixture of modern with the old fashioned dirty dancing.
if only i could actually dance, i would be right now...

guess it's time to find a tall, attractive boy to do the cute "let me put you on my feet" thing.

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