Monday, August 9, 2010

Somewhere Around Here.

listening to: an imagined affair - elbow.
reading: gad's travels blog.
watching: happy tree friends, season 3, episode 7; this is your knife.
eating: milk chocolate.
drinking: water.

i'm back home again. can't say it's the greatest feeling ever, infact; i think i'd much rather be in s-l-o-wbart.
had an amazing weekend with the people i am most at ease with. can't say i didn't completely melt at the prospect of my saturday night being spent making gourmet pizzas (cutting them with scissors!) and getting pwned in halo by gads. best part was when bogcheese got scoped and annihilated. haha.

zoom. a-i-m. BANG.

/clean cut./

i've been in a strange post-tassie blues. listening to elbow songs on repeat because they're so melancholy and slow. got lots of new music with lots of different moods and sounds, and am enjoying it greatly. it was pleasant to come home, however, and find my darling cat (not you, finbar, the other one) curled up on my bed waiting for me. she meowed like crazy for what seemed like minutes on end, and smooched all up on me and followed me around like a lost puppy. it was cute, in a pathetic sort of way.

today whilst purchasing my dodgy dinner of vegetarian hokkien noodles and a strawberry boost, the cute boy alex who works there remembered who i was, and asked me for my number. not knowing what to do, i scribbled it down, threw it at him, and ran off. sometimes i doubt the people who believe i'm socially apt.

i have to say for the first time in something like five months, i'm not feeling sad or unloved. infact, today at school, despite having only three hours of sleep the night before, i realised that a lot of people were actually pleased to see me, and all stopped to say hello and have a chat. also, i'm not hopelessly wishing that the only person i ever cared about will have a sudden change in t-w-i-s-t-e-d heart, infact, i have (after a very long healing process) moved on to a different person. a kind and loving person, who doesn't lie to me, and doesn't treat me with disrespect.

although i don't think he knows i exist.

it's so fun being a dorky brunette who looks at wookiepedia in her spare time (star wars wiki), designs new futuristic weapons on paint, sits on her own and plays left for dead two & team fortress two (and who could forget good old counterstrike source?), knows all the moons of the planets in star wars, is fluent in nadsat, and dreams of the day when she can own an /authentic/ star trooper print apron.

love my life.


  1. pumpkin the starwars nerd, aww...imagine if finbar was curled up on your bed when you got know he very well might hop on a plane one day and come and visit you... On the same theme, i can imagine you being the type of lady who when your older has a gazillion cats in her house crawling around (: At least you could rest easy at night knowing they won't attack your lower regions at the slightest provocation!

  2. i am a little bit obsessed with star wars, i'm not going to lie. one day i'll find someone who loves it nearly as much as i do. :)

    it would be amazing if finbar was curled up on my bed when i came home. i would give him lots of pats and cuddles. but really, it would be indescribable if you would come and visit me sometime. make it a mission.

    i would have cats, but i wouldn't be a crazy cat lady who is deprived of contact from the other species! i'd have a husband, i'd just probably love my cats more. haha.

    and why i don't have dogs.
