Thursday, August 5, 2010

Forever Young.

listening to: faster the treadmill - i fight dragons.
reading: knit two by kate jacobs.
watching: flight of the conchords, season one, episode four; yoko.
eating: air.
drinking: water.

it's actually really quite frightening when after a few years, you truly realise how much you've changed. and the worst part about being a teenager is, even though majority of us really don't like ourselves (unless we're conceited arrogant bastards, i could name a few) we have to suck it up, and take all the things we like and accept the rest for what it is.

i was speaking to two very good friends of mine earlier on today, both who had m-o-v-e-d away to different parts of our planet, and now they are both back for their respective time slots. we discussed many interesting things like putting toothpaste up nostrils, why people eat pre-sliced meat when you can cut it yourself, early pregnancy and steroid in cream form.

but it made me think, and i realised that there situations would be so completely different had all of this occured when we were much younger, and it got me thinking about how i valued who i was so much more as a kid. i don't know whether or not i should do something about this, or if i even can.

can you possibly restore innocence? or is that something that just leaves along with your dignity when you turn sixteen? i don't know if i can handle growing up. i'm seventeen next year. it's the fail age that doesn't really signify anything except for "suck it up loser, you're going to be a legalised adult in a year, so you better get all your angsty teen hate out now while you can."
and let's be fair, even if it does suck to be angsty and hateful, we're totally not going to be allowed to do that when we hit twenty.

so basically what i'm trying to say is:
you need to be innocent because you're afraid of how much you've changed?

do what i do.
swear less, eat fruitcups and play neopets.


  1. BAHHAHAH neopets. i still play that sometimes and i love it <3 and sometimes i play clubpenguin

  2. clubpenguin was sort of my life two years ago.
    i went on neopets about half an hour ago, and loved it to death. turmac roll goes off.
