Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Den Of Thieves.

listening to: your hand in mine - explosions in the sky.
reading: emily booth's writing.
watching: doctor who, season 3, episode: the long game.
eating: dried fruit and nuts.
drinking: air.

being dangled over a pit of shrinks your entire life isn't exactly the kind of thing you enjoy when you're a reclusive, bookworm, boot-stomping, j-o-u-r-n-a-l-l-i-n-g hermit of a teenager. i'm getting sort of tired of all of the poor analogies that they use, and they're relentless, repetitive one-liners ("and how do you feel about that?"), and who could forget the methodical, admirable-sympathetic prowess ("how do you do that? coping with all of that? i wish i could do that like you do!").

we're all pretty /darn/ sick of it. in short.

"morgan, have you ever eaten a food that you adored as a kid, but now you hate?"
"uh yeah, pickled onions."
"morgan, you are his pickled onion."

(oh my god, you've got to be joking...)

"morgan, you're like a strong building, with three main foundations."
"which are?"
"well one, your school, that keeps you in routine and keeps you busy."
"mm, right. and?"
"the next would be your family. they love and support you."

"HA. yeah, keep going."
"why did you laugh?"
"no reason. keep going."
"and of course, your lover."

"eww, don't use that word."
"okay, boyfriend."
"mm, not much better."
"anyway, one of those foundations have fallen out from under you."
"three guesses which."
"and now you will crumble and fall, or end up like piza on a /slant/."
"and the resolution?"
"i didn't have one. didn't really know where i was going with that..."

(double oh my god, are you serious?!)

don't even waste your breath guys. i mean, every teenager (well, that i know) is a resilient beast, and we all do perfectly fine without you people hanging over us when we do or say anything out of the norm. i'm on a road of self-discovery, for goodness sake.

if you kiss a girl, it doesn't make you a lesbian.

if you get high, it doesn't make you a drug addict.

if you are (curvy), it doesn't make you ((fat)).

if you talk with a large vocabulary, it doesn't make you a smartarse.

if you like maths and are good at it, it doesn't make you a nerd.

if you YELL at someone for being a jerk, it doesn't make you a bitch.

p.s. shout out to smaz. i've only just realised that you are probably the most awesome person to have italian with. the fact that you are known purely for drinking the one particular softdrink (and it's the best! solo!) and that you're basically one of the only people that actually GETS me and my retarded sense of humour...i commend you.

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